Healthcare updates

New contract reached between LifeWise and MultiCare

Read about the successful contract negotiations between LifeWise and MultiCare.
May 23, 2024   |   1 minute read
Group of professionals in conference room

LifeWise is pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with MultiCare Health System. This new agreement ensures that our members continue to have access to quality care at an affordable price and with no interruption in service, and that MultiCare is fairly compensated. We approached this negotiation with the same philosophy we always have:

  • Use data to help make informed, fact-based decisions
  • Equitably compensate the hospital system while remaining competitive in the market
  • Keep costs low for our customers

As we’ve always said, these negotiations are not about LifeWise; they are about our customers. We serve as their advocate during these discussions as we work with provider partners on practical solutions to keep healthcare affordable and accessible.

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